TX: Repeat offender in Burnet county gets 99 years for not registering as a sex offender

Source: cbsaustin.com 12/20/23

Earlier this month, a Burnet County jury found 63-year-old Aubrey ____ guilty after he failed to register as a sex offender. Due to prior felony convictions, he was sentenced to 99 years in prison.

On Feb. 13, officers responded to ____ ’s residence in Burnet to investigate an allegation. During the investigation, they arrested him. Rather than reporting to his sex offender registration officer, ____ fled to St. Louis, Missouri. He was using an alias and did not inform authorities of his status as a sex offender.

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well, as I find this to be very excessive, everyone on registry must know “ if your going to play, they will make you pay”.

I hope this is appealed for a more reasonable sentence…a nice white collar crime unit growing flowers at his age.

99 yrs for a civil infraction huh? Yes, the American judicial system looks like a bunch of incompetent bullies to the entire planet. Don’t worry though, it’s not punishment, nothing to see here, it’s just a civil issue. And no, nothing about any of these laws is going to change until some lawmakers get together and help pull each other’s heads out of their asses and see the registry for what it is and what states have done with it, the gross over the top banishment, not to mention loss of privacy. Damnet it’s outright punitive punishment!!!

“Our office will continue working with agencies to bring justice to all sex offenders.”

As you can see even though people forced to register have already paid their debt to society, in the eyes of the federal government, Distract attorneys office and law enforcement agencies were still in-debt, Their goal is to continually bring people forced to register back into court and convict them for the same crime over and over again and a FTR charge and conviction allows them to legally do it.

Utterly insane. If the government is going to hand out a life sentence for a civil matter, then they better start imposing the death penalty for traffic tickets, because that’s a civil matter as well.

Funny. Nowhere in the story is an allegation of any other sex crimes. What exactly was the “allegation” that led them to his door? I can only guess that it was a registry violation, which only further demonstrates how useless the registry is for investigating anything but registry violations. Because if it were for any other kind of crime, I would think that would be stated. Also notice that despite the FTR, they still managed to find him.

Also, I find this sentence a bit odd: “The jury found the enhancement paragraphs true and delivered his sentence.”

What photo? None was mentioned earlier in the story. What exactly is an “enhancement” photo? And what did this photo depict? Again, I can only guess by the vague references that it likely would have been absolutely meaningless but for the accused’s registry status.

The DAs quoted were particularly absurd. Protecting the community from this “habitual offender”? What was he doing (other than FTR)? By the story, apparently nothing. Bring justice to sex offenders? Wasn’t justice was already brought when he was previously convicted and served his time?

This story is an very good demonstration of how the registry is all about revisiting previous offenses and has nothing to do with preventing new ones. In the end, no matter how you cut it, he was sentenced to 99 years for his previous offenses because other than FTR there likely weren’t any current offenses to warrant such sentencing.

There’s a reason the American Law Institute, made up of the best Supreme Court Justices, Federal Appellate Court Judges, Ivy League Law Professors, and Psychologists say the “Registry” should only require registration for FIVE (5) specified offenses, with a 15 year maximum for all, and no public publication. Also, none of that Static-99R or “discretionary” registration bs with the most recent Model Penal Code. Adopt the Model Penal Code, now!

This Judge is a Power Hungry Monger who needs to get locked up for abuse of power. The kind of Judge who lets the power go to its head. Hope and pray this Judge gets Karma 🙏🏽 this holiday season […]. A good lesson would bring the power monsters head back to level ground.

P.S the Registries are not Punitive????? Retroactive Registries are unconstitutional and VERY Punitive as we see here.

“What are you in for?”

“I didn’t renew my Price Club membership.”

So the takeaway here is that if you forget or otherwise fail to register, you better run. Way to go, TX, encouraging absconding.

The “Greatest Fear” is as displayed by this, is the “Unregistered Person”. Hundreds of LEA will form task forces to root out and find half dozen, parade them in front of media and recite their past records. Granted, yes…the rule is the rule. However, such LEA is never deployed it seems to root out the Fentanyl dealers that predate upon our Children and others, causing deaths at Plane Crash levels each day.

My only child and his girlfriend died from the fentanyl horror now facing our loved ones and children. If LEA gave one darn damn about it, “Oh it was an accident” and approached it the same way as an “unregistered person” and deployed the same Torque and manpower, well then those who are really harming are loved ones would have their day.

This is my opinion only.

Great site. It is great to have information to help navigate the oppressive landscape the government has built to torture us.

Why is so difficult to find any attorneys in Texas willing to take a look a your at your old case even those it’s old? Is mine is back in 1997. I’m willing to pay. All I want to do see there is any evidence. I’m only hemmed up is because I was coerced, tricked, feared and threatened into a statement believing it was supposed to help me not destroy me. There is zero evidence I did anything wrong. No DNA, No physical harm, nothing at all. That statement forced me to sign a plea deal to something I didn’t do. I was signing my life away at 18 years old. he was a dirty detective and just wanted to see why will the courts take a look to try to make things right that were possibly wrong? do anyone know any tax attorneys that may at least hear you out thanks.